Vuk’s Cyrillic
There are six new letters in Vuk’s alphabeth added to civil script by his reforms


Luxurious Belgrade Tetraevangelion
The first book had been printed in Belgrade 450 years ago



Use of Serbian Cyrillic in computers
Problems with Cyrillic cursive letters t, p, g, d


Makarije's Handicraft
Oktoechos for Tone I is the first book printed in the Balkans in the Serbian Cyrillic.


Miroslav's Gospel in Typography
The oldest Serbian Cyrillic manuscript inspired various typographic interpretations.


Peter the Great Reforms
One of his important merits of Peter 1st the Great was reform of the script used in book printing at the end of the 17 th century.


From Saint Cyril to Orfelin
Today it can be determined with quite precision the time when the first Slavic script was designed. The question is who is its author?

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