Vedran Eraković
Born on September 30, 1980 in Split.
Graduated in 2004 from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, the Department of Applied Graphic, where obtained a Master's Degree in 2009.
Assistant Professor of Calligraphy and Typeface Design at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade.
Involved in typeface design, calligraphy and graphic design.
Orden, 2010
PF Adamant Pro, 2009
Adamant BG, 2008
Champion and Magna, Cyrillic typefaces, 2008
Koledar, 2004
Narator, 2003
Slovit, 2003
Skockana, 2003
Award in the category Cyrillic text typefaces/3rd International Type Design competition "Granshan 2010"/the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia and the Typographic Society Munich
Award in the category Typography letter/The 8th Competition for the Best Graphic Design in Serbia, Republic of Srpska and Montenegro/Grifon 2010
Top 30 Under 30 Serbian Young Entrepreneurs/Assembly of the City of Belgrade/2009
Award in the category Typography letter/The 7th Competition for the Best Graphic Design in Serbia, Republic of Srpska and Montenegro/Grifon 2008
Awarded for achievements in 2007 by the management of Politika Newspapers and Magazines/Yugoslav drama theatre/2008
Award for the book typeface/Karic foundation/2004
Award for the Cyrillic typefaces/Blago Fund of the Serbian Unity Congress in San Francisco/2004
3rd Award for the visual identity of the 200th anniversary of the creation of the modern Serbian state/Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade/2003
Award for the display typeface/Karic foundation/2003
Participated in a lot of exhibitions and projects in country and abroad, held a solo exhibition at the Gallery of Graphic Collective in 2009.
Collaborates with Parachute from Athens and FontShop from Berlin.
Member of the team that redesigned the oldest Serbian daily newspaper Politika in 2007.
Created the typefaces for the newspaper Sportski zurnal.
Worked as an Art director on the project at the Politika Newspapers and Magazines.
Participated in creating the charters that were granted to the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the European Union, Miguel Angel Moratinos, and to the former Ambassador of Japan in Belgrade, Tadashi Nagai.
Wrote out the Charter and the Book of benefactors to the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Bijelo Polje.
Created the typeface for use on the medals of the Republic of Serbia, and also designed the charters that are granted with medals.

Šangajska 54 j
11273 Batajnica